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Monday, 10 April 2006


I have seen so many emotionally disturbed children the past few years that I have reached a few general conclusions. First, far too many children are being placed on psychotropic medications for even minor disorders such as the much heralded ADHD. The driving factor here seems to be a concerted effort on the part of pharmaceutical companies to expand their market to include adolescents and children. As the Beatles once sang, " I get by with a little help from my friends!"

Second, children, in many cases, are being reared by parents who are unconcerned, alcoholics, or drug addicts.
Or the children have been abandoned and are being reared by relatives.
Finally, we and the children live in a world gone insane; the rising tide of globalization in the name of capitalism is creating a world where people are only concerned with materialistic gain and no longer possessed of value moral/spiritual ideals.

In summary, I fear that until we stop the denigration of the human spirit in the name of a World Economy where every material need is met and every individual takes a pill to feel "just right" that not only the children, but mankind as well, will sink into the deep, dark abyss of self-destruction.

What is your perception? Am I wrong or right?

Best regards,


Hi Mead! Have you ever read "The Prophet" by Kahlil Gibram?
It was written in 1923 - and would appear to have been cast aside by the  early 20thC mind.
There are some things in that way ahead of its time - and possibly way ahead  of the present time.
I came across it while writing the journal, and its value was shown by the  journal's reference to it - especially about laws and how a society can construct a 'criminal'.
I think that, overall, your perception is all too close to right in the way that conglomerates and governments are presently operating. The way of both seems to be a gradual  restriction of
choice. Morality and Spirituality have been trampled on - and made to wear a mask. They are wheeled in only to make political or commercial gain - and neither morality, nor spirituality, have much value in the market place.
As Gibram pointed out, a King who can not dance may make a law forbidding anyone to dance within his Kingdom. There are too many people in high places who have the mean spirit of the 'carpet bagger'. There are too many people ready to apply their cynicism
like the Venetians, who diverted the fourth crusade onto an attack on Constantinople.
The problem is that Capitalism sees itself as the victor in the cold war. My view is that it was the cultural richness of the West in the '60s and '70s that played a bigger part. Cultural richness is too diverse to market, so Capitalism gnaws at itself.
Pete Seeger and Bob Dylan introduced a mainstream idea that culture should challenge establishment.
As analogy, Athens (culture and trade) and Sparta (government and control) challenged each other constantly. However, they eventually joined together in alliance - and became less. Thebes built an army based on emotional and spiritual bonding - and successfully
challenged Athens and Sparta.
In this analogy, Thebes has yet to form.
I can't see how we can have a free market when companies who honourably treat their workers are undercut and cast aside by scavenger companies who treat their workers like slaves and have scant regard for anything other than profit. Other scavenger companies have only one aim: to scam the
consumer and get something for nothing.
A generation will come who will tire of this greed. From this will come
Nothing is more promising toward this goal than to know that school
psychologists can question themselves and society, because the children under their care may need to do exactly the same
The only thing I can do is publish what I can of the journal (and post
journal thoughts) online -
and hope it may reach a mind or two. It runs on the principle: I can't
change the world, but I can influence those around me. They can influence me. Eventually, the world may be changed through
the grapevine.


remote Posted by buskerbrian at 2:50 PM BST
Updated: Saturday, 9 June 2007 1:12 PM BST

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